Credit Reporting System

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The National Bank of Rwanda is the supervisor and regulator of credit reporting system in Rwanda. The promotion, soundness, protection, accuracy and reliability of credit information (Credit Data) is attained through implementation of international principles and standards as reviewed from time to time by the data providers. The usual business is that Data providers are mandated to collect credit information from data subjects and submit to the credit registry database for supervisory and statistical purposes.


On the other hand, all financial institutions are also mandated to provide data to a private credit reference bureau licensed by the Central Bank as per the law governing Credit Information System in Rwanda, The sole purpose of the establishment of a private credit reference bureau is the sharing of credit information among financial institutions, to ease the credit assessment and improve decision making before granting any loan.


The Legal and regulatory framework embedded in this section is therefore designed to ensure that both Credit Reference Bureau and Data Providers adhere to the norms and robust protection of Credit Information. This section on the Central Bank website contains all relevant Legal Instruments concerning Credit Information, Data Providers, Data Subjects and Credit Reference Bureau.  


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